Presence or Position: Procrastinating Leader. David – Part 8

David was a very successful king; whose heart was steadfast before the Lord; yes steadfast. David was a king who was quick to acknowledge where he went wrong and repented. Let us see God’s testimony concerning David, “After He deposed Saul He raised David to the throne, a man of whom God himself bore testimony in the words, ‘I have found David …. the son of Jesse …. a man after my own heart, who will do all my will.” Read Acts 13:22 (Phillips). Such a powerful testimony, and guess what, David does not own the exclusive right to those words pronounced over him, you and I can, and be, beneficiaries of the same pronunciation, this is the truth dearly beloved. In everything David accomplished as king, he was a procrastinating leader. Let us look at Biblical texts to help us gain further insight.

DAVID:  As good as David was, he refused to bring rule to his house. David was aware of what Amnon, his first son did to his sister Tamar, yet David did nothing about it to bring correction. The Bible says, “Now when King David heard about all these things, he was very angry [but failed to take any action].” Read 2 Samuel 13:21 (AMP). David was angry, yet did nothing about it. Dearly beloved, being silent, indifferent or quiet can be a sign of procrastination. Sometimes we can express anger about the issues in our society, yet do nothing about it. People will go as far as tweeting the issues, put it on Facebook, have a debate about it, but stop short of taking action or being involved with actions that can change the narrative; that my friend is a recipe for procrastination.

Another Biblical text for us to investigate is when David refused to bring his son Absalom in line. David knew Absalom hated his brother Amnon (David’s first son) because of what he did to Tamar his sister. Absalom plotted a plan to trap Amnon, I am sure David was aware or could have sensed Absalom’s plans, yet he did not bring rule to that situation. The Bible says, Absalom came to [his father] the king and said, “Behold, your servant has sheepshearers; please let the king and his servants go with your servant.” 25 But the king said to Absalom, “No, my son, we should not all go, for we will be a burden to you.” Although Absalom [strongly] urged David, still he would not go, but he gave him his blessing. 26 Then Absalom said, “If not, then at least let my brother Amnon go with us.” And the king said to him, “Why should he go with you?” 27 But Absalom urged him [again], and he let Amnon and all the king’s sons go with him.”  Read 2 Samuel 13:24-34 (AMP). I strongly believe David had an inclination of Absalom’s plan, yet he did nothing to prevent what was going to befall his son Amnon, and eventually Absalom ordered Amnon to be struck dead. Can I submit to you, Absalom observed his father’s inability to bring rule, hence he pushed the boundary so much so that Absalom attempted to overthrow his father. When you read 2 Samuel, 14th and the 15th chapter, you will see Absalom acted out because he realised his father, king David failed to bring rule to his house; David did not bring correction at the right time, and I believe that led to Absalom’s rebellion. 

Beloved, when we delay in acting, or are indifferent to socio-economic issues, and the cries of the needy; things can really get out of hand. Nations suffer because God’s people stand on the side through inaction or inactivity. After you have prayed, what else are you doing? This does not affect only the socio-economic landscape, it can affect every area of life, marriages, children, business, ministry etc. So from this story, we see the implication or effect of being a procrastinating leader. And I am sure you and I can identify with David’s story. There is a lot you and I can learn from the stories we have read, and it is my desire, you would be like the Berean’s, who searched out the scripture’s for themselves. So here is my challenge to you, go and search the scriptures for yourself and see that what I am saying is true or not. Beloved, “let God be true, and every man be a liar.” Let us act quickly and swiftly on the counsel of God, don’t back up, move forward, don’t delay. People are dying because of our inaction and inactivity. Remember, the Bible says, “We are kings and priests unto our God.” Read Revelations 1:5-6.

Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, don’t delay, don’t stop, keep on moving, and swiftly. God said to Moses, “this is not a time for you to cry to me, but tell the people to move forward.” You have heard the word, act on it. Oh, dearly beloved, God is speaking to you and I, what are we going to do? How long would we be procrastinating? What I am sharing with you, impacts every area of ones life. So let us get rid of complacency, and slackness, and take a concrete stand for the Lord. You are reading this blog, and you know within yourself, things the Lord has been asking you to do, or maybe you have a desire or are inspired to launch out into business, etc. Get over the excuses beloved and fear of the unknown, because the Bible says, “Greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world.” Read  1 John 4:4.

Let me exhort us with these words, “the conditions of the nation is a reflection of the condition of the Church, and that is why people seem to view the Church as being ineffective.” Well, that stops, because we would rebuild the walls and keep the hedge up.” We are part of that remnant who will stand up and no longer be silent and allow the devil run roughshod in our cities. Let him who has ears to hear, what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to the Churches.

We write You read Be encouraged.

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