Praise Ye the Lord – Part 8

Praise Ye the LordPraise is more than a song; it is more than a group of people coming together to harmonize their voices. Praise is a covenant attitude which demonstrates absolute confidence in God’s rule and judgment. Praise will say, no matter what happens, God’s name will be praised. Praise is not meant to be based on how we feel or don’t feel, it is meant to be based on an understanding of God. Praise is self-awareness that “we need God.

“Worship is the submission of all our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by His holiness, the nourishment of the mind with His truth, the purifying of the imagination of His beauty, the opening of the heart to His love, the surrender of the will to His purpose.” William Temple. Hence the Scripture says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”

Praise is the door or window to God’s heart. The Scripture says, “You can pass through His open gates with the password of praise. Come right into His presence with thanksgiving. Come bring your thank offering to Him, and affectionately bless His beautiful name.” Read Psalm 100:4 (TPT).

Beloved, I don’t and won’t know what you are going through, but, one thing I do know is praising God in the midst of that challenge will lift you up. Therefore, I encourage you, wherever you are, take some time and give God praise for His faithfulness.

My Father in heaven, I am glad and thankful to be calling You my Father. Your love for me is too much, and I receive every bit of it today. Hallelujah, glory to God.

We write. You read. Be encouraged.

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